Okay, so, things I want to get for Rowan. But you get it, right?
I feel like, once I had a babe, my fashion focus and buying habits switched from entirely me, to entirely Rowan. When I go to a store now, I head straight for the baby section. It's kind of fun. Plus, the au naturale mama/woman in me is always looking for holistic remedies, supplements, and the like, so my wishlist can get real long, real quick. Here are some of the things that have caught my attention lately around the inter webs.
1. Amber Teething Necklaces
Turns out, we have an early teether on our hands. It hasn't been that bad yet but I can tell his frustration is mounting. To everything around him he says "Get in my mouth!!!". I've known amber to have lots of great healing properties, but now they are quite popular for the teething crowd. They aren't meant to be put in the mouth (uh, hello, choking central), but rather they are short necklaces worn close to the skin, and as your body heats up, it releases minute amounts of oils that are healing to the little ones. Of course, they should ALWAYS be worn with supervision. Locally, I found some made by Momma Goose at Posh Baby.
2. This Adorable Growth Chart
It's the Heirloom Growth Chart by Miss Natalie. Rowan isn't standing yet obviously, but I love this idea! It's basically a strip of tweed or other fabric, pins, and tags, and you pin the tag where your child stands with their name, date, and age.
3. Polka Dot Gold Sheet Set
Need I say more?! I'm kind of obsessed with white right now..which is probably a bad idea with a baby and a dog. But, nonetheless, these sheet are awesome, and would work well for future babes of either gender. You can find them at Land of Nod.
4. Djeco Cachempil Mother Hen
How cute is this toy?! It fits all the requirements for toys babies like, yet is beautiful and most importantly, doesn't light up or squawk at you every5secondsohmygosh. Find it here.
5. Udo's Choice Infant Probiotic
This isn't a want in our house hold, it is now a staple. Rowan had extremely bad gas up until recently, and really, we tried everything. Unfortunately, I have to give Rowan formula along with my breast milk, so this was contributing to the problem. But, breast, bottle, or both, our pediatrician recommended this to us, and we will be using this for all our babies. Pro Biotics are basically just live bacteria that you introduce to your gut, that help sort out any imbalances you might have. Babies have constantly changing and growing digestive tracts, so this really helped get Rowan back to normal. It's so encouraging to me that Western medicine is catching on to more natural fixes to everyday ailments. If your baby has gas, I would ask your Ped. what they think. Locally, I buy it at New Seasons.
Those are some of my faves right now. Fellow mamas, do you have any goodies on your wishlists?
I am still deciding if I'm on board with the amber necklace thing or not, but you've just brought me one step closer. And I'm gonna go get some of that probiotic madness asap - might be just what we need! Thanks lovely!