Then my brain goes into overdrive.
"Ok, what do I have to do? Laundry, dishes, and, oh yeah, I need to pay that bill- oh but I'm so tired. Maybe just a little nap. But, he'll probably wake up soon so..."
And it goes on and on. I find myself somewhere in the midst of to do and not to do.
We hear it all the time;
"Sleep when he sleeps",
"you've got to put on your own oxygen mask first"
"You deserve it"
But, that doesn't make the choice to forgo the pile in the sink any easier. It doesn't change the "Mom guilt" we all too often feel inside. The nagging feeling that we aren't enough. Doing enough, being enough, working enough.
But mama, you are enough.
You're enough for your babies, your partner, your family.
No amount of doing (or not doing) is going to make you any less important, less special, less worthy.
And so I embrace that today. And I pray that for you.