I can't believe summer is gone! (And that I haven't been posted in forever)
But I guess that's what happens when you're chasing around an 11 month old. We had a full summer, going from coast to coast, starting in Sun River, OR for Connor's family reunion, then to Maine to visit my family. It's been so fun to see Rowan interact with family and friends, climb on everything, and now, learn to walk. Our trips were jam packed, so needless to say, I've had a steep learning curve while navigating the joys and trials of traveling with a babe in tow. I've gotten a lot of questions about flying with a little one, so I thought I would share what worked well for us.
1. Be prepared
Nothing can make or break a flight or road trip more than having a less than adequate supply of the basics. For Rowan "the Tank", this means food. Toys too, but lets be real, if I let him, the kid could eat a whole bottle of puffs. Having food that keeps him occupied and helps him develop his mad-dawg motor skillz is a plus, (ie: puffs, cereal, etc.) Favorite toys are great, but there are so many fun people around to stare at and talk to, who wants toys?! Lets just hope the people you sit by are baby fans. Don't worry, most are.
2. Don't board early.
I got this tip from my friend Lauren, and I couldn't agree more. Airlines think they're helping you out by letting you bring your baby, and their 50lbs of gear on the flight before everyone else, and hey, if I were child-less, I would love to board early, kick my feet up, and relax. But as you're probably well aware- babies will do no such thing. For us, it worked well walking around the terminal area until the last minute, then getting settled right before take off. He didn't have to wait very long before the next exciting thing. Or, you can board early, and pray that you get seated behind a volleyball team of college girls who looove babies. This happened to us on the way back.
3. Wear your baby
I'm a firm believer in this anyway, even when I'm not traveling, but it was such a lifesaver. It kept him calm, he can see whats going on, and he stays close. It also eliminated the need for a stroller. One less thing you have to lug around the airport with you. (The stroller, not the baby).
4. Nurse or bottle feed as you're taking off and landing
I'm sure you've heard this one before but its great for keeping their ears pain free as you rise or fall in elevation, and, if you're lucky, they just might fall asleep.
5. Consider the red eye/night time flight
Rowan is on a very consistent night time routine and bed time, so normally, I wouldn't consider this an option, but let's face it, when you travel, schedules kind of go out the window. My Dad booked a red eye for us, and I kind of enjoyed it. Granted, when we landed, I felt like I got hit by a truck and lost all notion of time, but other than that it was quite pleasant. I put Rowan to bed a few hours before we left for the airport like normal, Connor and I packed the car, and right before we left I woke him up, put a sweatshirt on him, and we were out the door. Once we took off, he was still so tired, he slept most of the flight. A win for all.
What worked for you while traveling? Love to hear your tips!
xoxo M-A